“Why wait until your health and life energy have begun to wane? Rather than just focusing on saving
up for a big pot full of money that you will most likely not be able to spend in your lifetime, live your
life to the fullest now: Chase memorable life experiences, give money to your kids when they can best
use it, donate money to charity while you’re still alive. That’s the way to live life. Remember: In the
end, the business of life is the acquisition of memories. So what are you waiting for?
”Although we all have at least the potential to make more money in the future, we can never go back
and recapture time that is now gone. So it makes no sense to let opportunities pass us by for fear of
squandering our money. Squandering our lives should be a much greater worry.
Nothing has a greater effect on your ability to enjoy experiences—at any age—than your health. In
fact, health is actually a lot more valuable than money, because no amount of money can ever make
up for very poor health—whereas people in good health but with little money can still have many
wonderful experiences.”